Sunday, March 2, 2008

Lab 4

Lab 4 is posted to the following link: I had a lot of trouble getting the scripting right for this assignment--I just couldn't get the syntax/spacing right. I finally found that the best way to get this script to turn out was to copy/paste from the digital version of the assignment on WebCT. This worked great and made things much easier. I tried using shades of purple in my map, but based on the shade I chose, and the alpha values, it looks more like shades of gray so it is not the most colorful of maps. I will try a more vibrant shade next time around to hopefully get a more visually appealing map. I am so pleased with how easy it is to add sounds to a Flash file, that I added sound to this one too (a 35 second exerpt of "Hail to the Chief"). I hope you like it!

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